Sunday 4 February 2018

What David Falkayn Goes Through

Think about what David Falkayn goes through in Satan's World. Drugged on Luna, rescued by Adzel, removed by Chee Lan, who must restore Falkayn's sanity while they fly as fast as possible to investigate Satan, where they not only defeat a Shenn fleet but also learn the coordinates of the Shenn home planet where they must then immediately fly to investigate further. Non-stop action at breakneck speed. Van Rijn must deduce that Falkayn and Chee Lan have learned the coordinates of Dathyna and have gone directly there from Satan so that he has some chance of contacting them if he is taken to Dathyna as a prisoner. A long chain of reasoning that pays off but might not have. This novel feels as if it might be the last installment about these characters.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

Not quite non stop! Even given a FTL hyperdrive, it still took the characters on both sides in SATAN'S WORLDS days and weeks to go their desired destinations. It would have needlessly slowed down the book if Anderson had given detailed accounts of these quieter periods.
