Sunday 4 February 2018

Satan's World: Information

For information about the Shenn home planet, Dathyna, see here.
For why van Rijn goes there, see here.
For happy endings, see here.

My rereading of Satan's World has brought me to less than fifty pages away from its conclusion and I find that the linked posts have already summarized much pertinent information. However, I will continue to reread the novel in search of those single words, phrases or short passages that sometimes inspire blog posts.

Having mined the early Technic History, including this novel, I am inclined to continue moving in the same direction with "Lodestar" and Mirkheim. These two works are, unfortunately, our last contacts with:

van Rijn;
Chee Lan;
the League;
van Rijn's granddaughter, Coya - who first appears in "Lodestar" and last appears in Mirkheim.

David's and Coya's son, Nicholas, is born near the end of Mirkheim and speaks to his son, Nat, in the next installment of the Technic History.

Satan's World is about a planet called Satan but Satan as a title would perhaps have given a wrong impression. The words, "Lodestar" and "Mirkheim," refer to the same heavenly body.

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