Tuesday 7 November 2017

The Unusual Supernova

Coya explains to Hiraharouk and thus to us:

this double system had comprised one large star and one barely sub-stellar superjovian planet about 40 or 50 a.u. apart;

when the star supernovaed, it blew away from the planet everything but a core of nickle-iron and heavier elements;

without the pressure of the outer layers, the core exploded into new allotropes, thus ejecting more atmosphere and solid matter;

any supernova emits large quantities of particles and quanta in a full range of energies;

"'Any possible reaction must happen.'" (p. 667);

actinides and supermetals are a small percentage, usually scattered thinly through space;

however, in this case, incandescent gasses washed across the bare metallic globe of the planet and some of those gasses alloyed with the molten planetary surface, especially the supermetals with their high condensation temperatures;

billions of tons of supermetals can easily be extracted, more than Technic civilization can use;

the miners must be protected from radioactivity.

See also:

At Mirkheim And Its Sun
The Richness Of "Lodestar"
Satan And Mirkheim
The Surface Of Mirkheim
The Mystery Of Mirkheim
An Inhabited Mirkheim!


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Altho I don't think they were mentioned in MIRKHEIM, I suspect the managers and employees of the Supermetals Corporation lived in O'Neill style habitats orbiting at a safe distance from Mirkheim (when not working on its surface, of course). Such habitats would be larger, more comfortable, and more suitable than using space ships for living in.

And I have wondered why the Supermetals Corporation didn't apply to join the Polesotechnic League. After all, that would seem possible when Old Nick was a sympathetic supporter. it's been a long time since I last read MIRKHEIM, so was anything said about this?


paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

Don't think so.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Most likely, I think, because too many of the Home Companies and the Seven in Space would be unwilling to accept the Supermetals Corporation if they could not control it. Moreover, the Home Companies were more and more falling under the de facto control of the Commonwealth. Supermetals would prefer to avoid being controlled by any gov't as long as possible.


Anonymous said...

Kaor, Sean!

I don't have "Lodestar" at hand, but I seem to recall that Supermetals kept its ownership secret, and to join the League, they would have had to admit just who they were. I could be wrong.

Best Regards,
Nicholas D. Rosen

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Nicholas!

The Supermetals Company kept the location of Mirkheim secret because it rightly did not trust any of the big cartels or the Commonwealth to let Supermetals keep it. The times were becoming bad for free enterprise economics.

Regards! Sean