Wednesday 29 November 2017

Punsters And The Powers

Jovians pun. They chant:

"'SO, dear,
"'Why not
"'WRITE? One! Left, one!'"
-Poul Anderson, Three Worlds To Conquer (London, 1966), Chapter 5, p. 41.

Maybe they do personify natural forces (see here):

"'What Powers have we crossed?'" (ibid.)

But is a Power a person? Is this primitive polytheism or even pre-polytheism? Theor greets his demi-father:

"'May the Powers be serene within you...'" (op. cit., Chapter 3, p. 23)

Within, not just external. "Within" is capable of subtler interpretations. I believe that all the gods are within us.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I really need to reread THREE WORLDS TO CONQUER, but my "natural" reaction to such statements by the Jovians is that they did seem to have a polytheistic view of the "Powers."
