Wednesday 15 November 2017

Anderson's Abilities And Achievements II

See Anderson's Abilities And Achievements here.

What did I miss? (More can be added here.) (in fact, see the combox.)

Poul Anderson adapted Norse mythology as fiction contemporaneously with and independently of J.R.R. Tolkien.

He wrote both pulp space opera and serious speculative fiction, sometimes with the same central character.

He made several original contributions to time travel fiction and was a major successor of HG Wells.

His future histories are more imaginative and convincing than those of some better known authors whom I will not name here.

He made many authentic contributions to sf series created by other authors.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree with everything you wrote in this blog piece. If there were any "lacks" in Anderson's "output," I would put it mostly in wishing he had written more non-fiction. Books like THERMONUCLEAR WARFARE and IS THERE LIFE ON OTHER WORLDS? proves he could write at least as well (or better) than Isaac Asimov in this field.

And I still sometimes wonder about those boxes of papers I've seen mention of Anderson having at the time he died. I would like to think there are some publishable fragments in them. Maybe a few essays and one or two short stories needing only a bit of "expanding" and editing? His son in law and fellow SF writer Greg Bear would seem a natural for this!
