Sunday 26 November 2017

How Ganymedean-Jovian Communication Was Established

The research base on Ganymede softlanded instruments on Jupiter.

Because interference distorted maser telemetry, better instruments were designed and sent.

Because transmitted data proved intelligent life on the surface, the communication project began.

Because Terrestrials cannot form all the sounds of Nyarran and Jovians cannot form all the sounds of English, a "common-language" of croaks, grunts, clicks and whistles was devised over two decades.

Specialists inquiring about specific aspects of Jupiter developed only a narrow vocabulary.

Fraser, helping to improve the transceiver system, became interested enough to converse regularly on a wide range of topics with Theor who shared this interest.

Because language involves not only words but also rapport, real communication and comprehension occur only between Fraser and Theor.

The chief of the language research group in Aurora lets Fraser work on developing a mutual code.

By persistence, Fraser and Theor gain clues to each other's personalities despite the differences between human and Jovian minds.

Their recorded conversations enter the data files.

The awesome human-devised speaking machine changes the Reeveship back towards its ancient magical role.

The human-devised image-maker is housed in a shelter that comes to be called the House of the Oracle and to be regarded as a source of prophecies.

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