Monday 27 November 2017

The Jovian Environment II

Elemental forces devastate the environment. Because wind, rain, hail, lightning, quake, flood, geyser, fire spout and avalanche threaten to return Nyarr to barbarism, the Reeve and his kin-tree are primarily master engineers with civilization-saving skills and only incidentally priests, magicians, judges or military leaders. Volcanoes, the only known form of fire, are used to smelt water to forge weapons. The domesticated druga species regularly metamorphoses from vegetable to animal.

Theor, a Nyarran male and Reeveling:

three prehensile toes on each foot;
long armed;
four-fingered hands;
blocky torso;
round head;
shrugs by shaking the head;
no nose, external ears or lungs;
rooster-like comb;
six lipped slits on either side of the thorax admit hydrogen which releases energy by reducing vegetable-derived organic compounds;
abdominal vents release methane and ammonia;
golden eyes three times the size of a man's;
chemo-sensor antennae flank the mouth which is only for eating and drinking;
speech generated by vibrating muscle tissue in a pouch under the jaws;
stands on the back of a flying/swimming forgar with his feet in stirrups.

Norlak, Theor's demi-father:

no comb;
longer, acuter anntenae;
gaudily clothed;
wearing a blanket dyed pirell and onsy;
waving a plume-tipped staff;
more excitable but quicker-witted than males.

Although the Nyarran sexes are equal, among an ocean-crossing invasive species, the Ulunt-Khazul, males own females and kill most demi-males at birth. The Nyarran language is three interrelated systems with different underlying premises.

All this information and more is presented in a few pages before the action starts.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

At least you can't say these Jovians are TOO humanoid looking! I remember you thinking too many SF writers made too many speculative non humans look too much like Homo sapiens.

Sean said...

These guys still have two eyes above a mouth, arms with hands and fingers and legs with feet and toes.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And that is because I believe such species are LIKELY to have such things! Some kind of SEEING organ, an orifice for eating (and perhaps speaking), and limbs freed from carrying a being around and with appendages like fingers and toes. I don't think it's unreasonable to think many non human species would have evolved PARALLELS to what we have. It would make sense, for example, to have eyes, mouth, nose for breathing/smelling, etc., near the brain.

Sean said...

There is parallel evolution on Earth. To that extent, the argument holds.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Then I think we agree it is possible parallel evolution on other worlds might make for some resemblances to what we are familiar with.

Sean said...
