Sunday 19 November 2017

The Darkness Of Earth

Kenri makes my point that the Kith do not know how things will be on Earth a thousand years hence. See here. His father has already seen:

"'...fifteen hundred years of history....'"
-Poul Anderson, Starfarers (New York, 1999), Chapter 21, p. 180 -

- and can tell when things will get worse. The Kith experience what we can only study: planetary history.

Kenri plans to stay on Earth and to marry a member of the highest social stratum, a Star-Free, even though her people, the Dominancy, are currently oppressing his people, the starfaring Kith. His father comments:

"'That girl could as well be of a different species, son...'" (ibid.) (See Aliens Among Us?)

Kenri's father opposes his plans - another generational disagreement (see here) - but which will be proved right? A typical Andersonian pathetic fallacy presages the answer:

"'Good night, son.'
"Kenri returned to the living room, paused to give his mother a hug, and went out into the darkness of Earth." (op. cit., p. 181) (my emphasis)

I am home from the "Indian Evening" and about to retire in preparation for an early start to a long day tomorrow. My life continues on its course while Anderson's characters continue on theirs.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If I'm recollecting rightly, there were times when, for any reason, if some of the Kith wearied of space, they could settle down reasonably happily on Earth. BUT, it had to be during times when the current civilization was still strong and healthy and open to accepting outsiders. The Star Empire/Dominancy of "Ghetto"/Chapter 21 of STARFARERS was none of these things.

The problem was not Dorthy, the Star Free Kenri Shaun loved, it was "...the weariness and sickness of spirit which was the old tired Empire..." (quoting the original version of "Ghetto").

Sean said...

The oppressive civilization is the Star Empire in "Ghetto," the Dominancy in STARFARERS and the Star Dominancy in one of your previous combox comments! The two timelines merge.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I do see a merging or converging of thought there! (Smiles) And I came across the text in the original version giving some details about the practical economics underlying the Kith culture and way of life. Next will come a rereading of Chapter 21 of STARFARERS to see if any similar texts are there.
