Friday 10 July 2020

Just One Node

When the decision to visit Earth (see Days And Eons) reaches the relevant node:

its thoughts are quantum flickerings (recalling such flickerings in the Time Patrol universe);

its computational power and database are immeasurable;

it raises aspects of itself to interact like persons;

then returns them to its wholeness;

the internal dialogue takes microseconds;

in mythical terms, the primary aspect can be called Alpha and a lesser manifestation to be released into separate existence may be called Wayfarer although they recognize each other without names and communicate without words;

Alpha is the apex, not located in any particular place, of titanic structures, mostly force fields, orbiting an M2 dwarf star fifty parsecs from the Solar System which has a node, "Gaia," but has not been visited for two million years.

We read a mythical dialogue between Alpha and Wayfarer, the latter incorporating Christian Brannock.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As you said, Anderson transcended and surpassed Stapledon!

Ad astra! Sean