Friday 10 July 2020

Intelligence Prime And Alpha

Genesis, PART ONE, VII, and PART TWO, I, are possibly, although not necessarily, set in the same planetary system. Between them, much time has passed.

In PART ONE, VII, Intelligence Prime, located on an island on a planet, is like a huge jewel surrounded by lightnings, rainbows, domes, pylons and energies. Life on this planet comprises purple, red and gold mats, stalks, membranes and turrets and small fliers. Intelligence Prime has studied this life for seven hundred years, sharing its knowledge with other intelligences across the known galaxy although the furthest has not yet received the information. A Christian Brannock upload helped to establish the first base, then to build the necessary industries and to explore the planet. He has had dangerous quests and adventures. Now, however, they have gathered sufficient data to enable Intelligence Prime to conduct an algorithmic search no longer requiring Brannock's input so the latter enters into oneness with the greater intelligence which will turn its attention elsewhere. Sol is not visible in the planet's night sky.

In PART TWO, I, the galactic node, Alpha, resembling gossamer or spiderwebs, orbits a dwarf star fifty parsecs from Sol. An artificial intelligence had established itself in the system to study life on one of its planets and this research continues although the intelligence increasingly attends to its own self-evolution. Because stars have changed their positions, this one is now the closest settlement to Sol. When Alpha detaches Wayfarer from itself, this new entity includes Christian Brannock.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Just a small, nitpicking suggestion: Your next to last sentence here was: "Because stars have changed their positions, this one is now closest settlement to Sol." Wouldn't that read better if you had "...this one is now closest to Sol," eliminating "settlement."

Ad astra! Sean said...


It should have been "the closest settlement." I added "settlement" to make clear that it was not the closest star.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That clarifies what read a bit oddly. Altho I would not call an AI node a "settlement."

Ad astra! Sean