Tuesday 2 April 2019

Two Births

Poul Anderson. Tau Zero, CHAPTER 21.

There are only three chapters and twelve pages left in the novel but the changes do not stop. The universe outside the ship has changed utterly. No stars remain. A gang works to strengthen the hull against strange forces that the text describes as gales, thunder, winds, vortices and "...the noise of inward-falling worlds." (p. 178) Reprogrammed, the ship moves with more often than against the forces.

For the baby-welcoming party, combined with Halloween, a corner of the gym is dimmed to become a small, warm room. When some of us sat round a fire by the river at night, it was like being inside a cave but, when we stood and turned outward, we saw the expanse toward sky and horizon. Rituals and celebrations are controlled perceptions.

While a human baby is born, something else begins. A screen shows a small, dim, distant spark, the germ of the monobloc...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A child's birth in such dire consequences is a sign of hope defiant of final ruin. To add Halloween gives us both a touch of humor and a bit of horror, which are also apt.


Anonymous said...

This kid's folks are going to have a hard time keeping his/her ego in check as he grows up:

The book of Job:
Chapter 38
1 Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said,
4 Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
and the kid could answer:
"Right there beside you, YHVH!"


"I was born at the creation of the universe- maybe the universe was created FOR ME!

Oh, well....


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But I believe God has a sense of humor! All you have to do is read the Book of Jonah to see how God treated his disobedient prophet with dry, understated humor.


paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

God's sense of humor: a guy I knew was hitch-hiking and was in danger of missing a plane so he told God, " I want the next car to stop and to take me straight to the airport." The next vehicle was a coach and it passed him. Then it reversed. A head stuck out and said, "Hi. We're going to a Billy Graham rally and we wondered if you'd like to come!"

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That was humorous and amusing!


paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

And it happened. My friend decided that he disliked God's humor.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, in that case, all your friend needed to do was these people to take him as near the airport he wanted to get to as possible.


Anonymous said...

For Sean:
