Monday 8 April 2019

Three New Books

While I was writing the preceding post, three second hand paperbacks arrived separately by post:

Snowbrother, SM Stirling's first novel;

World In Eclipse and its sequel, Children Of The Void, by William Dexter, both of which I read well over fifty years ago.

The copy of World In Eclipse is the same edition that I owned back then. I ordered these books because they feature a fictional planet Vulcan so I was reminded of them by Anderson's "Vulcan's Forge."

This blog recognizes Stirling as a worthy colleague and successor of Anderson. Dexter addressed Andersonian themes.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I read Stirling's SNOWBROTHER only once, long ago. High time I reread it! And I'm looking forward to hopefully getting a copy of his new book THEATER OF SPIES, in a few weeks.
