Saturday 6 April 2019


I cannot possibly run out of Poul Anderson and related material to post about. Right now, I am having to choose between texts. When rereading "Horse Trader," I spotted that it referred to adjustable furniture (see here) but forgot to mention that it includes an "infotrieve" (p. 277) (scroll down) and have only just noticed that it also refers to "...magnificent Lunar desolation." (p. 265) (See here.)

That image is here for a reason but I am being interrupted so I will return to this later.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm glad you have found so much material of, by, or related to Poul Anderson, both directly and including the works of other authors, such as S.M. Stirling. Your blogging has caused me to reread many of Anderson's stories.
