Monday 8 April 2019

"Among Thieves"

Poul Anderson, "Among Thieves" IN Anderson, Strangers From Earth (London, 1965), pp. 156-190.

On a galactic scale, we are Solarians. If we are the only intelligent species in the Solar System, then we might instead be known simply as Terrestrials. I suggested in Identities that another possible identification is with neither star nor planet but continent of origin, in which case we are "Africans." In "Among Thieves," the Ambassador of the Terrestrial Federation to the Double Kingdom is M'Katze Unduma who is of Bantu descent.

I have only just started to reread "Among Thieves" but am finding that its politics are complicated and it is getting late here so I will return to reading about familiar British politics until some time tomorrow when I will also visit Ketlan and we will probably watch another episode of Neil Gaiman's American Gods which features one of Gaiman's two versions of a god who is also a major character in Poul Anderson's heroic fantasies, Odin.

England prevails. 


David Birr said...

With regard to American Gods, or rather in parallel with it, I know of two manga and a manga-esque webcomic that posit Norse gods visiting or outright residing in modern Japan.

Oh My Goddess! is about a college student visited by the Norn of the Present, whose name the Japanese orthography reworked into Belldandy, rather than Verthandi (or any of the other usual transliterations). And then she becomes his girlfriend, and they move into an abandoned Buddhist temple compound, and her sisters come to live with them ... and then it gets strange. (I was going to say, "weird," and then I recalled....)

The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok is about, well, Loki — exiled to Earth, in the form of a small boy, and nonetheless managing to run a detective agency specializing in the paranormal. Other gods show up ... including the Norns.

How Japanese artists adapt Norse mythology is ... kinda peculiar, folks.

And then there's the webcomic Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki. Despite being in a manga-like art style, this is written/drawn by a U.S.-born Australian. It is Not Safe For Work. Yuuki is a Japanese schoolboy who's been transformed, against his will, into a Valkyrie. This means he's not only got powers, without explanation how to use them, but his body, not his mind, has become quite curvaceously female. He's unhappy about this.

Yuuki: It just bothers me that this was forced on me with no info and no help at all. Well, that and being turned into a woman. That's very important.
Freyr (who owns a restaurant in Tokyo): Ah, I see...
Thor: What? Really? Being a woman isn't that weird...
Yuuki: Wha—?! When were you a woman?!
Freyr: Long ago in a creepier time. Let's move on.
Thor: Loki said I was cute...
Yuuki: L-Loki?
Freyr: Loki sleeps with monsters, Thor.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, DAVID!

Ha, ha!!! Very amusing, I admit. And I can't help but wonder what the Japanese sun goddess thinks of these Scandinavian upstarts muscling into HER turf!
