Saturday 15 April 2023

Vastness And Detail

When blogging about Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization, we can focus on:

the elaborate structure of the Technic History series with its alternative reading orders (although I have done this to death);

the vast sweep of history from the Solar System in the mid-twenty-first century to the edge of another spiral arm of the galaxy several millennia hence;

the major sub-series;

the layered narratives of that ultimate future historical collection, The Earth Book of Stormgate;

the wealth of detail in any particular instalment, most recently Ruadrath biology on Talwin in A Circus of Hells.

At present, we, editorially speaking, are rereading A Circus of Hells while always remembering its place in:

the Young Flandry Trilogy;
the Dominic Flandry series;
the Technic History as a whole.


S.M. Stirling said...

It's an awe-inspiring achievement -- and especially so as it grew organically.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree, because it was so ACCIDENTAL, stemming from Anderson impulsively mentioning "Polesotechnarch van Rijn" in THE PLAGUE OF MASTERS.

Ad astra! Sean