Tuesday 11 April 2023

Farewells And A Foundation


Flandry bids farewell to:

Dragoika (off-stage)
John Ridenour
Viscount Hauksberg
Persis d'Io
Max Abrams

Ridenour reappears without Flandry in "Outpost of Empire."

Flandry's and Persis' son appears in A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows.

Dragoika re-appears, and her son and Flandry's daughter are introduced, in The Game of Empire.

Abrams re-appears in his daughter's reminiscence in A Stone in Heaven.

Flandry's preparation for his career in Intelligence continues in A Circus of Hells and The Rebel Worlds.

Thus, Ensign Flandry provides a sound foundation for the rest of the Flandry series and for most of the rest of the Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I am sorry we don't see Flandry meeting Dragoika again in THE GAME OF EMPIRE. Given oxygills, they could meet without either of them needing protective helmets. I can imagine Dragoika keeping a few rooms of her house sealed and pressurized for human visitors. And meeting them there using an oxygill.

Ad astra! Sean