Monday 24 April 2023

Knowing Oneness III

The Rebel Worlds.

On Dido, the Thunderstone communion learns of the vaster universe: beyond jungle and mountains, there are sea, stars and strangers with single bodies.

"How shall we achieve oneness with the whole world unless we understand it?" (p. 519)

Suggestion: oneness is not to be achieved because it already exists but remains to be realized.

Didonian units make oneness by uniting into a single self-conscious Didonian. Oneness with the world is something else but Kathryn mentions ceremonies, contemplation and hallucinogens. A Didonian concludes that understanding is also necessary. On Earth, previous generations have been able to intuit oneness while believing that myths were real but now we can combine meditation with scientific understanding. The Didonians are on their way.

Dualism or Pluralism versus Monism
Are there two or more independent but interacting realities or is there a single reality with multiple aspects?

Idealism versus Materialism (in the philosophical sense)
Is consciousness perennial or emergent? Does matter interact with mind or develop a mental aspect?

Philosophical objective idealists like Hegel think that reality is mental because it comprises concepts but that these concepts are not subjectively conscious: a contradictory theory transitional to materialism.

Compare the Thunderstone communion on Dido with the Stormgate Choth on Avalon.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I still disagree because "oneness" is not something to be realized, it is impossible to be achieved. And is not something to be desired.

Ad astra! Sean said...

Testing. said...

I would disagree with "oneness" as submergence of individuality. We need to be clearer about what we mean. said...

Combox problems. said...

Testing. said...

Two people having sex become one without losing individuality. said...

Two people having sex become one without losing individuality. said...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was too brief. I would dislike and oppose any "philosophizing" advocating the morphing together of all individual self aware beings into some kind of impossible hive mind. IOW, a submerging and loss of what makes us individuals, good or bad.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Of course. I mean oneness that incorporates differences, not that negates them.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And my belief remains that any hive or collective "mind" necessarily leads to negating those differences, our INDIVIDUALITIES.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Of course it would. Mystics intuiting oneness with the universe do not merge into a hive mind.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I am suspicious, wary, and skeptical of any kind of talk about being "one" with a "conscious universe."

Ad astra! Sean said...


But we are one with the universe. We are completely continuous with our environment, not ontologically distinct. Remember the universe is conscious only through conscious organisms and you need not call it "conscious" if you see no point in this.
