Thursday 6 April 2023

Hauksberg And Abrams

Ensign Flandry, CHAPTER SEVEN.

Hauksberg and Abrams will work against each other in the mission to Merseia. The Empire needs both kinds of men working for it - as long as the right one wins! 

Hauksberg describes Abrams as shrewd, ruthless and:

"'Fanatical, almost.'" (p. 67)

I noticed the "almost" when I reread this passage to quote from it. So I have to ask: is Abrams almost fanatical? If he responded to every other intelligent species in the way he responds to the Merseians, then he would be dangerously fanatical and dysfunctional but he doesn't. In fact, the evidence shows that Abram's assessment of the Merseians is accurate whereas Hauksberg's is not.

Hauksberg is not sure whether he was cleverly manipulated into including Abrams in the mission. That is is how cleverly manipulative Abrams is. Hauksberg consoles his concubine, bored by his entourage, that Abrams will:

"'...bring an aide or two. Handsome young officers, hm?'" (ibid.)

There will be no "...or two..." about it. The scene is set for the kick-off of Dominic Flandry's career in clandestine activities. Conducting an affair with a Viscount's concubine will be a good start. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Also, what proves Commander Abrams was NOT "almost fanatical" about the Merseians, and by extension other intelligent races, is this bit from Chapter 9 of ENSIGN FLANDRY: "The race, not the nation, counts with them [Merseians]. Which makes them a hell of a lot more dangerous than simple imperialists like us, who only want to be top dogs and admit other species have an equal right to exist."

Ad astra! Sean