Sunday 23 April 2023

Kathryn McCormac


The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER TWELVE.

I hope that the attached image of the British paperback back cover blurb is legible.

The barbarians are at the edge not of the galaxy but of known space. They do not expect the Empire to fall yet. The description of McCormac and of Flandry is accurate. The number of suns affected by Kathryn McCormac is exaggerated. But her single word could decide many fates. Flandry would support Hugh McCormac's revolution if he could be with Kathryn even for a while. Flandry changing his loyalty even temporarily would drastically alter the outcome of the Rebellion whether or not it led to McCormac becoming Emperor. Maybe Sector Alpha Crucis would become independent. The rebels would not have gone into exile. The remainder of Flandry's life and career would have been very different. But Djana's geas preventing Flandry from getting the woman that he really wants is still operating.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I am not so sure we can put that much stock into Djana's bad wishing of Flandry even then, just a few years after A CIRCUS OF HELLS. Besides thinking him too tough and strong willed, there were plenty of solid reasons for why Flandry would not have Kathryn even for a short time.

Ad astra! Sean