Tuesday 11 April 2023


Close attention to the texts reveals details not only in their content but also in their words.

"Turning in on a bridge viewscreen..."
-Poul Anderson, Ensign Flandry IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, January 2010), pp. 1-192 AT CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, P. 172.

"Tuning in on a bridge viewscreen..."
-Poul Anderson, Ensign Flandry (London, 1976), CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, p. 193.

"He could just bear her."
-Poul Anderson, A Circus of Hells IN Young Flandry, pp. 193-365 AT CHAPTER TEN, p. 258.

"He could just hear her."
-Poul Anderson, A Circus of Hells (London, 1978), CHAPTER X, p. 69.

Small differences, I agree, but our interest in Poul Anderson's texts leads us to notice them.


S.M. Stirling said...

Frankly, this is 'copyedit' stuff. From experience, I can testify that a) there are always errors of this sort, and b) that no matter how carefully a text is reviewed, you will never get all of them.

The eye sees what it expects, not necessarily what's actually there on the page/screen.

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

OK> Copyediting different from proofreading.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Mr. Stirling!

Passionate fans of Tolkien's THE LORD OF THE RINGS devoted decades of hard work tracking down and correcting errors and misprints. It was a labor of love for them!

Ad astra! Sean