Monday 17 April 2023

Substantial Planets Visited Only Once

Suleiman: where Emil Dalmady outwits Baburites.
Babur: sub-Jovian.
Tametha: turning point for Falkayn.
Starkad: doomed to destruction.
Scotha: newly industrialized; subverted by Flandry.
Alfzar: a planet of Betelgeuse.
Brae: where Terrans are conquerors.
Nyanza: mostly water.
Dido: tripartite intelligences.
Dennitza: where Flandry would have settled...
Chereion: Aycharaych's home planet.
Ramnu: Miriam Abrams was in rapport with a native.
Imhotep: where the Starkadians are settled.
Daedalus: no horizon; home of the Zacharians.

This is not a complete list. Blog readers will think of other examples. Every planet deserves to be remembered.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I also thought of Unan Besar, another planet seen in only one story. There, unlike Brae, the
Terrans came as liberators.

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

Isn't there a scene in a later story in which Flandry dines on fish exported from Unan Besar? We don't see the planet, but we get the information that there is now significant trade between Unan Besar & worlds of the Terran Empire.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

You are correct. What you had in mind occurred in A STONE IN HEAVEN, when Flandry and Chives were discussing what to have for dinner, with Chives recommending fish exported from Unan Besar.

Now I'm wondering, was Unan Besar directly annexed by the Empire after Biocontrol was overthrown? Or was everybody satisfied with simply a protectorate?

Ad astra! Sean