Monday 16 September 2024

Not Firearms

"'We will stand on the battlements of Ey, under the banners of those very knights who long ago rid the land of the firearms, and watch the folk dance welcome to a new year -'"
-Poul Anderson, "Starfog" IN Anderson, The Long Night (New York, 1983), pp. 242-310 AT pp. 272-273.

Firearms? Disarmament? Or, at least, banning of guns by sword- and spear-wielding knights? We, or at least I, can check three other editions of this text. (That is not all that there are but four is all that I have.)

In Flandry's Legacy (Riverdale, NY, June 2012), on p. 748:


However, in Beyond The Beyond (London, 1973), on p. 192:


And, in Explorations (New York, 1981), on p. 275:


So we do not know what they are but we do know that they are not firearms.

Without quoting chapter and verse on all of these right now, I have also found:

"conducive" in The Long Night and Explorations but "conductive" in Beyond The Beyond and Flandry's Legacy;

"''s be...'" in The Long Night and Flandry's Legacy but "''d be...'" in Explorations and Beyond The Beyond.

Occasionally, it is helpful to own multiple copies of a single text.


Anonymous said...

Sort of hard to enforce a firearms bad with a spear if your opponent has a Glock. Bang-bang-bang...

Jim Baerg said...

Of course Japan managed to ban firearms for a few centuries.
In that case there was a powerful central government to do it.
Are there other cases of a powerful weapon being *effectively* banned?
I recall reading about ineffective attempts to ban crossbows in Medieval Europe.

Poison gas & nuclear bombs have a sort of ban from fear of the other side using them. I'm not sure if that should count.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling and Jim!

Mr. Stirling: Ha, ha, ha!!! I agree.

Jim: There were some ineffectual efforts to get cross bows banned. Which failed.

That's because of the Peace of the Mushroom Cloud. But I am not at all convinced that can last forever. I can easily imagine rogue regimes like those of Iran and N. Korea using nukes or supplying them to terrorists.

Ad astra! Sean