Sunday 15 September 2024

One Ship In The Ultimate Sequel

After The Earth Book Of Stormgate - or after The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume III, Rise Of The Terran Empire, depending on reading order - , Poul Anderson's Technic History consists of:

the Young Flandry Trilogy and its two sequels;
the Captain Flandry series;
two Admiral Flandry novels and their four sequels -

- all of which can be further summarized as "Flandry and sequels."

Flandry expels Aenean rebels in the Trilogy and defends the planet Vixen when a captain. A New Vixenite helps descendants of the rebels in the final sequel. Rightly is The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume VII, entitled Flandry's Legacy.

So much time has elapsed that the Kirkasanters, whom we take to be the descendants of the expelled rebels, have only legends and fragmentary records which do not name either Aeneas or the Terran Empire, let alone Dominic Flandry or Hugh McCormac, but this is as it should be after several millennia. 

From somewhere, I had got hold of the idea that maybe a fleet had fled from Aeneas and that only one of its ships had colonized Kirkasant. However, the text of "Starfog" is explicit about only a single ship:

"'Legends, found in many forms across all Kirkasant, tell of battle, and a shipful of people who fled far until at last they found haven.'"
-Poul Anderson, "Starfog" IN Anderson, Flandry's Legacy (Riverdale, NY, June 2012), pp. 709-794 AT p. 727.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

THE REBEL WORLDS ends with a defeated McCormac leading a fleet of his supporters into exile outside the Empire. And I can easily see one of those ships, for whatever reason, such as a dispute, leaving that fleet and wandering till its crew found and settled on what became Kirkasant.

That name is suggestive, "Kirkasant" could mean "Holy Church." It could be the crew of the single ship which founded the colony had religious disputes with the rest of McCormac's fleet.

Ad astra! Sean