Tuesday 3 September 2024

Further Research On Poul Anderson Collections

See Alternative Collections.

Correction: "Starfog" is also the last story in the non-series collection, Beyond The Beyond (London, 1969). "Starfog" is the last story in Poul Anderson's Technic History and therefore appropriately is also the last story in three alternative Technic History collections. But it is also the last story in two non-series collections, Explorations and Beyond The Beyond. Its content makes it a fitting conclusion to any collection.

While we are looking at Anderson collections, let us check whether they have interesting introductions.

Beyond The Beyond: no introduction.

Space Folk: no introduction but, among the contents, "Commentary," a short article in which Anderson advocates for space.

Kinship With The Stars: a short Foreword in which the author celebrates good story-telling.

The Dark Between The Stars: a Foreword in which the author argues that, despite appearances to the contrary, sf is grounded in reality.

Homeward And Beyond: a Foreword in which the authors lists the categories of fiction. Also, a brief commentary on each story.

Strangers From Earth: no introduction.

Alight In The Void: an introduction about story-telling.

Seven Conquests: a Foreword about war.

Winners: no introduction.

The Unicorn Trade (with Karen Anderson): no introduction.

Fantasy: no introduction but an Afterword by Sandra Miesel.

The Gods Laughed: no introduction.

Conflict: no introduction.

Time And Stars: no introduction.

Dialogue With Darkness: no introduction.

The Book Of Poul Anderson: no introduction.

Past Times: no introduction.

The Armies Of Elfland: a Foreword on the original meaning of "romance." Also, a brief introduction to each story.

Any other Anderson collections: I don't know.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I have all of these collections except ALIGHT IN THE VOID and CONFLICT.

PAST TIMES does include Anderson's non-fictional essay "The Discovery of the Past."

STRANGERS FROM EARTH (Ballantine, 1961) is one of the earlier collections of Anderson's stories. Two examples I've thought esp. striking being "Quixote and the Windmill," and "Among Thieves."

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I've been wondering why "Among Thieves" was not included in SEVEN CONQUESTS, which would have seemed natural! Then it would have been EIGHT CONQUESTS.

Ad astra! Sean