Monday 2 September 2024

The Resolution

"Outpost of Empire."

Ridenour learns the hard way that Evagail is a Mistress of War and what that means but he recovers remarkably well from his ordeal and is able to negotiate for the Free People with the Admiral. At the very end of the story, he and she are on affectionate terms but he also wants to write home to his wife. The Imperialists are cosmopolitans.

When the Free People have used a captured Terran cruiser to destroy the remaining Cities - evacuated first - Freehold is no longer an industrial target for the Merseians so that all the problems have been solved and the Free People can remain free while nominally Imperial. Arulians and former City dwellers will be removed. Complex conflicts are not resolved that neatly in reality.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, real conflicts are seldom managed so neatly. I can imagine many of the former residents of the Nine Cities becoming guerrillas/terrorists and trying to fight both the Outbackers and the Empire.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

If I'd been the Emperor, I'd have told the commander not to accept anything but unconditional surrender. After that, perhaps mercy would be extended -- but they'd have to put themselves in my hands first.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

What keeps me from agreeing, in this case, is doubting it would work because of the destruction of the Nine Cities of Freehold. It took centuries, on a metals poor planet, for the Cities to reach the stage we see them at the beginning of "Outpost." Trying to hastily rebuild doesn't really seem very plausible. Their destruction took them out of the game and made other outcomes possible.

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I also thought of the US Civil War: mercy was extended to the defeated Confederates by the victorious Union. The rebels had to surrender, but there were no mass arrests, imprisoning, or executions of people considered to be traitors.

Ad astra! Sean