Sunday 1 September 2024

SF Travelogue

"Outpost of Empire."

Some sf is futuristic travelogues, e.g., this story and Poul Anderson's The Game Of Empire.

Freeholder outbackers sleep in bedrolls out of doors except when they need protection for example from heavy rain and hail. Then they hastily build log shelters or seek out one of the few houses with outbuildings that have been built in each territory. A hilltop homestead comprises:

"...low, massive, stone-and-log buildings, whose overgrown sod roofs would hardly be visible from above." (p. 100)

The buildings are even less detectable because they are often unoccupied and therefore unlit. Evagail has taken Ridenour off their route to show him one homestead and they have it to themselves when they must shelter from a sudden storm. The door is unlocked and there is food and wine in the kitchen. Lamps are microcultures in glass globes. Heating is by a hearth fire and fuel oil. Utensils are of horn and obsidian. Paintings show Arulian influence. A tape is not of music but of storm sounds. 

We are not in Kansas anymore. Or, at least, Ridenour is not on Terra anymore. There is a white tablecloth, crystal goblets and candles but everything else should look alien, including Evagail in her fibre kilt and leather bolero with dagger and tomahawk. We appreciate the wealth of detail in all of Poul Anderson's descriptive passages.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And we should expect analogous developments on Mars if Elon Musk manages to found his hoped for permanent colony on the Red Planet. Because the new Martians would have to make do with manufacturing many objects of every day use from locally available resources. For a long time we would have to expect imports from Earth to be costly, restricted to the most urgently needed machinery, or to wealthy Martians able and willing to pay for luxuries.

Ad astra! Sean