Wednesday 4 September 2024

What Was The Point Of The Previous Post?

I value, in this order:

series, whether of novels, short stories or both

individual novels

individual short stories

I regard a collection not as a literary unit or a volume in its own right but only as an easier way to read short stories than having to track them down in magazines or anthologies. I therefore dislike it when a story appears in more than one collection or when a series story appears in a non-series collection. However, the previous post was an attempt to consider Poul Anderson collections on their own terms. Contemplating that list, we notice that TOR becomes prominent as a publisher and that series stories cease to appear in non-series collections.

Beyond The Beyond contains only five stories of which three belong to two series. There are more such overlaps than I want to discuss here. In a Poul Anderson Complete Works, several volumes with new titles, maybe just Short Stories, Volumes I-etc, would have to collect all the independent short stories with no overlaps.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Collections of short stories, if an author is popular enough, makes sense. Saves people the bother of hunting for the magazines they were first pub. in.

I don't mind too much if series stories get scattered among many collections. Again, a popular enough author should eventually have his series stories getting collected.

Ad astra! Sean