Saturday 28 September 2024

Enemy Headquarters


A Synthesis-trained Un-man has deduced with 80% probability that Arnold Besser, chief of international finance, is the head of the clandestine anti-UN gang. If he is, then the capture of four identical Un-men will probably make Besser have these four prisoners sent to his secret headquarters, wherever that is, and will also make him go straight there himself to interrogate them. The UN Secret Service replaces Besser's chauffer-bodyguard with a disguised Un-man who places a radio tracer in Besser's jet. When the attack warning sirens sound in the sea station which is the secret headquarters, the disguised Un-man kills Besser and other gang members in the presence of his four captured Brothers. And the job is a good one. It is as if the men from UNCLE had penetrated THRUSH Central in a single episode.

In The Final Affair by David McDaniel, available online, UNCLE simultaneously closes down all three THRUSH Centrals, each with its Ultimate Computer, then mounts a naval attack, in which Alexander Waverley is killed, on THRUSH Island. In Ian Fleming's novels, James Bond defeats SMERSH, destroys SPECTRE twice, kills Blofeld in the Castle of Death and must then assassinate Scaramanga in order to be reinstated into the Secret Service, but the KGB remains. In "Un-Man," the gang is destroyed but the real enemy remains and will return in a different form in "The Sensitive Man."


S.M. Stirling said...

Note that people tend to do much less in person nowadays; they do it remotely, especially if it's illegal and dangerous. Unless the other side has superior technical skills, in which case in-person is unavoidable... and very dangerous, as Hezbollah has just found out.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And Iran has been surprisingly restrained in its reaction to how Israel has been smashing its Hezbullah puppets! The regime in Tehran and its terrorist catspaws seemed to be consumed with paranoia. Good!

Ad astra! Sean said...


Paranoia good? No. The whole conflict is horrific. There is nothing good about either side massively damaging the other. it is the populations of that region that suffer.


S.M. Stirling said...

People always suffer in wars. As long as those I don't like suffer -more-, just peachy-keen with me. said...

From Sean M. Brooks:

Kaor, Paul!

Horrific? Yes. But Israel did not start the war. And I have only contempt for the Hamas and Hezbullah terrorists and the thugocrats puppet mastering them in Tehran. So I want them to suffer for their Jew hating.

Ad astra! Sean said...


People broke out of Gaza because they had been confined in Gaza. I do not defend what they did when they had broken out.

I honestly think that your violent language is part of the problem, not of the solution.

Paul. said...

From The Burlington Files:

Talking of James Bond, if you have never compared Ian Fleming’s fictional James Bond to a real spy check out a news article dated 13 September 2024 in TheBurlingtonFiles website. Sadly for Fleming’s Bond, reality like exploding pagers and walkie-talkies is leaving espionage fiction in the ashtray of history. Why not forget about fictional agents like Bond and Bourne dashing to save the world from disaster and forget about CIA and MI6 officers reclining on their couches dreaming up espionage scenarios to try and thrill you. Check out what a real MI6 and CIA secret agent does nowadays. Why not browse through TheBurlingtonFiles website and read about Bill Fairclough's escapades when he was an active MI6 and CIA agent? The website is rather like an espionage museum without an admission fee ... and no adverts. You will soon be immersed in a whole new world which you won't want to exit.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No, what happened on Oct. 7 of last year was a barbaric and savage attack by fanatical terrorists who wanted to kill as many Jews as possible. And the Hamas terrorists had seized power in Gaza 17 years before, turning it into a blighted pest hole ruled by murderous thugs whose openly avowed goal was the genocidal destruction of Israel.

And the very next day, October 8, we saw Hezbullah beginning to rain thousands of rockets and missiles at Israel, driving out 70,000 or more people from their homes. No self respecting sovereign state can tolerate such attacks. The destruction going in Lebanon is a direct result of those attacks on Israel by Hezbullah terrorists who are the real masters of that country.

And you are still overlooking the role Iran is playing, malevolently stirring up chaos and arming terrorists like Hamas, Hezbullah, and the Houthi pirates disrupting international shipping in the Red Sea.

It's right of Israel to smash Hamas and Hezbullah and at least temporarily cow the thugocrats in Iran!

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Burlington!

Your comments reminded me of the old saying on how truth can be stranger than fiction.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Please do not mis-state things. I am not overlooking Iran! I support none of those oppressive regimes.

Paul. said...

BTW, I predict that neither of those organizations will be "smashed." This horrible conflict will continue until something else changes. The US might find another country to back - although that alone would just change the appearances of the conflict, not end it. said...

BTW, I think that Oct 7 WAS people who had been confined in Gaza breaking out of Gaza even it it was also everything else that you describe it as. In this kind of conflict, trying to show that all the evil is only on one side and none of it on the other does not make sense.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Apologies, then, for any misconstruing by me about how you regard the thugocracy in Iran.

I sill disagree. Absent Iranian trouble making my view is that both Hamas and Hezbullah would have been, yes, smashed. And they are both getting close to being smashed.

Ad astra! Sean said...


OK. We'll see about the smashing. I also hear that Israel is in pretty dire straits but I have no way of knowing how much is propaganda, wishful thinking etc. What is certain is that massive changes will continue and that - everywhere on Earth but particularly in that region - no existing state can be guaranteed to survive indefinitely.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In that chaotic part of the world only the strongest, toughest, and most cunning will survive. And I hope Israel survives!

Ad astra! Sean