Thursday 15 July 2021

The Intelligent Beings Near The Black Hole

Starfarers, 38.

(Most of tomorrow will be spent in the company of the previously mentioned Buddhist friend from Birmingham so posts will be few.)

The Envoy crew begin to learn the nature of the beings that will later be called Holont:

the vacuum is a sea of virtual particles;

space-time is convoluted and changeable near the black hole;

life is information;

quantum states, like matter, can bear information;

the intelligences are not molecular, atomic, nuclear or material;

the quantum states of the plasma in the accretion disk are neither structured nor complex enough to bear information;

by a process of elimination, the beings are quantum states in the vacuum near the black hole.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Your "few" blog pieces still amounts to a lot more than what I've seen on other blogs!

And the strange intelligences called the Holont is one of the things I've had trouble grokking the first times I've read STARFARERS. Which is why I need to read it over and over.

I am not objecting! It is yet another reason for admiring Anderson, that even in his last years he was capable of thinking and writing out of the box, his comfort zone, refusing to rest on his laurels.

Ad astra! Sean said...


More probably no posts today!


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But it gives me time to think about and catch up with your most recent blog pieces!

Ad astra! Sean

Nicholas D. Rosen said...

Kaor, Sean!

I agree about Anderson not resting on his laurels, and churning out more of the old stuff. He did reuse and recycle some themes and situations, but in the service of writing genuinely new books, even after he reached three score and ten.

Best Regards,

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Nicholas!

Absolutely! EVen tho Anderson could have easily churned more of the old stuff in stories that would still have been excellent.

I read of how Anderson's daughter and son-in-law donated many boxes of his papers to a university in CA after his widow died a couple of years ago. I skimmed thru the summaries of the contents of those boxes and it seems Anderson left as many as half a dozen unfinished stories when he died in 2001. I would like to hope two or three of them only need some editing and polishing by another writer to be publishable. David Weber? S.M. Stirling? Greg Bear?

Regards and Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

An honor for whoever gets the job.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And I kinda hope you might be invited to finish one or two of these unfinished stories!

Ad astra! Sean