Thursday 29 July 2021

Is Reality Finite?


Kenri Shaun reads Murinn's General Cosmology. (21, p. 183) There has been no fundamental change since Olivares and his colleagues formulated the Grand Equation that unified physics.

Earthlings argue that:

the universe is finite;
therefore, science is;
new empirical discoveries are details;
only complexity prevents a quantitative explanation of every phenomenon.

Kith, seeing more of the cosmos, suspect otherwise.

When Envoy returns, Terrestrial science has become a mere body of knowledge with scientists interpreting natural law like rabbis interpreting the Torah but never questioning the foundations. (48, p. 449)

Next we will consider the future of science in Poul Anderson's The Fleet Of Stars and James Blish's The Quincunx Of Time.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Like the Kith, I am not sore scientific knowledge is finite. I think chaos theory and quantum mechanics should warn us to not be so sure a final grand equation is possible.

Ad astra! Sean