Friday 30 July 2021

Dominancy Castes


Star-Free, unspecialized geniuses;
Special-X, created for a particular job, for study or just for amusement.
These types are mentioned. Others may be inferred. Kenri meets a Special-X in one of Poul Anderson's familiar underworld bars:
a lightsign bottle winking above a doorway;
sour smells;
slumped, sullen men;
an obscene mobile mural;
a raddled Standard-D girl who turns away from a Kithman;
a barman who refuses to serve a "tumy" (Kith);
a hairless, dead-white (see here) Special-X, doubtless a criminal, even an assassin, who pays for Kenri's double vodzan.
(These bars can be grotesquely sleazy.)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We know from this chapter of STARFARERS that the science of the Dominancy specialized in genetic engineering and manipulation, including those two giant guards posted outside the from Canda tower. We really need another story set during the Dominancy telling us more about those castes and how they differed from one another.

The bar Kenri stopped in may have been "grotesquely sleazy," but it felt convincingly real to life to me. Unfortunately, in both good and bad times, there will be some bars or pubs like this one. I'm sure I could find one similar to this if I wanted to.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

I've been in bars about that bad. Including one where local custom was to take out your sheathed knife and sit on it during card games, so the hilt was nice and close to your right hand without making it obvious. I've used that in my books.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

A nice, realistic, intriguing touch. Something to look out for in your books. Altho I would be more likely to use my knife like that while playing a game of chess in such a dive! (Smiles)

Being left handed, I would keep my sheathed knife close to my left hand, however!

Ad astra! Sean