Tuesday 27 July 2021

Summarizing Starfarers

Summarizing the content of successive chapters of Poul Anderson's Starfarers makes us realize how much content there is:

future Terrestrial history
the Kith
the planet, Harbor
the planet, Aerie
the planet, Brent
malfunctioning von Neumann machines
another starfaring race
virtual particles in the vacuum
the Venture League
the zero-zero drive
the Tahirian field drive

This reads like a summary of several volumes. Starfarers is an extremely condensed future historical work, like the same author's Genesis.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've reached Chapter 48 of STARFARERS. Might be time to go back and reread some earlier parts, like the chapter where those Merseian lookalikes are discussed. What stuck in my mind was how UNLIKE our old frenemies of the Roidhunate they were. I don't think Merseians would have retreated so tamely from space as did their near doubles!

Ad astra! Sean