Tuesday 13 July 2021

Epiphany And Dread

Starfarers, 34.

During EVA:

"Stars and Milky Way appeared to them like an epiphany, frosty, regal." (p. 316)

Ruszek has trouble believing that "'That monster...,'" the black hole, appears only "'...as a vague glimmer...'" (p. 316) but then comments that "'...God has a sense of humor.'" (ibid.

When Dayan questions divine benevolence because:

"'Life, the universe, can be dreadful.'" (p. 317)

- Ruszek responds:

"'Practical jokes, maybe.'" (ibid.)

Surely not? If I believed that the universe had been designed, then I would not regard its dreadful aspect as any kind of joke.

Even the Buddhists that I know speak of reality as compassionate despite not being theists. But where is compassion except in some conscious beings? Nature is neutral, feeding and killing good and bad alike.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, "nature" as such, is neutral, unaware. Only conscious beings can know good or evil.

And I recalled how, at the very end of OPERATION CHAOS, Steven Matuchek stated how he believed God likes to laugh!

Ad astra! Sean