Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Their Last Morning In The Base Emulation

Genesis, PART TWO, X, 6.

A lane to trees on a grassy hill;
a broad view across the land;
a dazzling morning sun;
small white radiant clouds;
a radiant blue sky;
skirling autumn wind;
dawn-mists on plowland;
green pastures;
soughing in the branches;
dying leaves;
wild geese;
fragrant soil and sky;
blowing wind and rustling leaves make Gaia's words (See Roots Of Paganism);
the nodes reclaim their avatars.

I have tried to record every detail of this emulation where Christian and Laurinda came together but, at last, it is finished.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The "base" used by Gaia and Wayfarer's "avatars" was set in an emulation of 18th century rural Surrey. Was that illustration you chose from that county?

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


Not from that county but from right beside it.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I had been wondering if that picture was even set in England!

Ad astra! Sean