Monday 13 July 2020

Their Base Emulation IV

Genesis, PART TWO, VII, 9-10.

Like Manse Everard's New York apartment in the Time Patrol series, the mid-eighteenth century Surrey estate is a home base between temporal expeditions. If I had gathered all the details into a single post, then it would have been a long one.

Light from the setting sun:

shines through windows;
glows on wood;
touches marble and leather-bound books;
makes rainbows in cut glass;
draws aromas from potpourri.


puts her amulet in a bureau drawer;
gets crystal glasses from a cabinet;
pours port from a decanter on a sideboard.

In the garden att night:

the moon is full;
Christian and Laurinda waltz on gravel;
they sit by the fish basin;
the water is bright with moonlight;
he sings;
they become lovers.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Too bad, at least, that these PLACES are only emulations, not truly REAL and physical.

Ad astra! Sean said...


But it would be possible to live inside them indefinitely.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

True, but it all seems rather GHOSTLY, uploads/downloads of human beings, or avatars of AIs, etc., thinking they would like to live permanently in UNREAL places or locations.

Ad astra! Sean