Monday 13 July 2020

Their Base Emulation III

Genesis, PART TWO, VII, 6.

I knew that that there would be more about this emulation. Having witnessed conflict in an emulated Hellenic timeline, Christian and Laurinda return to the peace of their mid-eighteenth century Surrey estate where:

huge white clouds are blue-shadowed;;
sunlight spills;
poppies blaze;
grain goldens;
green pasture stretches;
cattle drowse;
an oak is broad-crowned;
hoofs thump;
saddles creak;
horse smell is sweet;
herbs are pungent;
a blackbird whistles.

After the horror that they have seen, the next place that they visit is also peaceful, York Minster in the 1900 of a history where there had been no Reformation.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Ah, York Minster! I still recall how beautiful that former Catholic cathedral is. It pleased me much better than did the cluttered up Westminster Abbey.

And I believe we would have been far better off without a "Reformation."

Ad astra! Sean