Sunday 12 July 2020

Their Base Emulation II

(We ate home-cooked Chinese.)

Genesis, PART TWO, V, 2.

The parlor of the house:

casement windows showing deer in a park and a thatched farm cottage;

furniture, paintings, etchings, books and busts;

a maid serving tea and cakes and disapproving of Miss Ashcroft's male guest;

dinner guests for the following evening - James Cook, Henry Fielding and Erasmus Darwin.


Inclement English weather:

shrilling wind;
blinding rain;
no question of an outing, even by carriage;
a fire that fails to hold back the chill;
sheening breakfast silver and china;
shadows beyond the candlelight;

VII, 4.

Use of the house as a base:

They return from another emulation at the same moment as they had departed so as not to disturb the servants;

they cannot discuss their business in front of the servants;

the following morning, when the weather is again good, they converse by the fish basin in the garden;

rain glistens on flowers which are fragrant in the renewed sunlight.

There might be more about this emulation when I have reread further.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

All I can think of for this blog piece is to say the late Charles Sheffield wrote a collection of SF stories featuring Erasmus Darwin. In an earlier collection I have called ERASMUS MAGISTER.

Ad astra! Sean