Tuesday, 7 July 2020

The Dangerous Unknown And The Milky Way


See The Unknown Is Dangerous.

A sixth example:

"MAGNETIC FLUX [interpreted]: Suddenly intense, and crazily writhing!
"INPUT [interior monitors]: Loss of attitude control. Torque. Blast of direct solar radiation.
-Poul Anderson, "Vulcan's Forge" IN Anderson, Space Folk (New York, 1989), pp. 29-51 AT p. 43.

Also, in this story:

"The stars remained ice-brilliant in their myriads, Earth glowed sapphire not far from the Milky Way, she thought she saw Luna as as atom of gold beside it." (p. 30)

The Moon is big enough to be visible beside Earth from a distance.

A seventh example, from "Pride" (for reference, see the above link):

"Abruptly the hull shuddered and bucked. A crash went through it, the noise of a mighty gong."
-"Pride," p. 22.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And might Mercury someday become a source of valuable minerals mined by computerized robots? But before that might happen I think men will have to GO there and accept taking risks.

Ad astra! Sean