Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Rich And Enduring

Genesis, PART TWO, X, 2.

"'It seems as if Gaia has been trying to bring her people to a civilization that is rich, culturally and spiritually as well as materially, and is kindly and will endure.'" (p. 219)

Does anyone not want this? -

cultural wealth
spiritual wealth
material wealth

How will this not be achieved?

(i) By any kind of dictatorship, ideological, bureaucratic or military.

(ii) By continuation of the current global chaos.

Suggested Requirements
(i) Maximum individual freedom to learn, work, travel, participate in society and determine life-style. Everyone should be literate and also be free to read anything from popular fiction to translated classics. They should also be free to learn the original languages although not everyone will. Texts can be displayed on screen or printed. Everyone can read the scriptures and philosophies of every tradition, not just the one that they have been born into.

(ii) A population educated and informed enough to participate in collective decision-making processes which will be facilitated by communications technology.

(iii) Application of technology to preserving and enhancing the environment, not to using it up.

(iv) Human communities off Earth.

Gaia's emulations can't do (iv) but she is using the emulations to learn how to guide the human race that she has re-created.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The hopes you outlined here are too implausibly Utopian for me to take seriously. If only because I don't in the least believe the entire human race will ever be educated and informed enough to make the kind of collective decision making you wish for possible. And I am also convinced many people won't CARE.

Practically speaking, only limited gov'ts, under whatever form it's people believe is legitimate, plus free enterprise economics, can achieve SOME of the goals you desire. Along, of course, with mankind finally getting off this rock to settle other worlds.

Ad astra! Sean