Saturday 4 July 2020

Lords Of Xibalba

"Operation Xibalba."

A falcon vomits a snake which vomits a toad which vomits a louse which is a divine/demonic messenger whose speech is comprehensible to Sophia who informs the narrator, Anibal, that the man whom they have entered the hell universe to rescue, Boatright, is in a Mesoamerican region which, at a first approximation, she identifies as a Mayan analog.

Anibal then reflects that, if this Mesoamerican region bears a close approximation to the Mayan region, then it is probably ruled by the Lords of Xibalba, thus explaining the story's title. The Wikipedia article confirms that these Lords are as horrible as Anibal's description of them.

We have just been told about the hell universe that:

it is divided into regions, including Mesoamerican ones;

its Mesoamerican regions include not only a Mayan region but also several analogs of it.


How big is this hell universe?
How many regions does it include?
How many analogs of the Lords of Xibalba does it incorporate?
Are all these regions and pantheons projections of human beliefs?
Does each pantheon rule a separate universe?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No wonder the Mesoamericans, despite the ferocity of the Spanish, converted so thoroughly to Christianity after the Conquest. These horrible "gods" offer nothing, really, to any believers.

Ad astra! Sean