Thursday 9 July 2020

Art And Life

Genesis, PART ONE, VIII.

Sirdar compares shadows to life, thus life to shadows. See A Perfect Haiku. Naia suggests that he might have compared these revived artistic forms, like the haiku, to shadows because the database presents them to be played with before they vanish back. Sirdar thinks that:

"'It may prove difficult to phrase so compactly.'" (p. 92)

So there is a challenge:

Art forms, like shadows,
Are presented and played with
And then vanish back.

Naia will neither spend days polishing a poem of her own creation nor have a program create the poem in less than a nanosecond because the latter process lacks significance even though the end products would be indistinguishable and only they two would read it.

We begin to understand why they ask: Why do anything?   


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Why do anything???? Because these persons and their ancestors weakly allowed Terra Central/the Worldguide to take over the actual DOING of anything that matters. They have become the pampered, useless, idle pets of the AI ruling Earth. They have become too demoralized to even have children. It's hard not to feel contempt for Sirdar and Naia.

Ad astra! Sean said...


If some human beings wanted to take off in a spaceship, go elsewhere and do something else, I think that the AI's would provide them with a ship. Why not?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

For all we know, the AIs of GENESIS might well have done that! The problem being, as this part of GENESIS makes plain, these particular humans had become too spiritless, too lacking in plain old GUMPTION to do that!

Again, contempt and anger is what I feel!

Ad astra! Sean