Saturday 2 May 2020

The Psychotechnic History: The Sixth Triad

Thesis: See the synthesis here.

 The biologically-based Alori try to subvert the mechanically-based Solar Union.

Synthesis: A Coordinator working with Nomads defeats the Alori.


Here indeed are a clear thesis and and antithesis although, of course, they developed independently, on different planets in different galactic sectors. Nevertheless, they are two opposed responses of intelligence to its environment. Analogs of the Alori can be found in human history. Here, I compared their wholeness principle to Hegelian dialectics.

The Alori are defeated by a synthesis between a pattern-making Coordinator and the anarchic Nomads, two antithetical aspects of human culture.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And the Alori struck me as being cold blooded and callous in a very real sense if they were willing and able to "gently" exterminate entire intelligent races they found inconvenient!

Ad astra! Sean