Saturday 2 May 2020

The Psychotechnic History: The Seventh Triad

Thesis: See the synthesis here.

Antithesis: Interstellar Nomads disrupt an already unstable civilization.

Synthesis: Coordinators becoming Nomads counteract their disruptiveness.


Trevelyan Micah joins the Nomads and anticipates that some of his colleagues will also so I assume that this happens;

Nomadic former Coordinators are the best synthesis that the Solar Union civilization can generate but it will at most only delay the next antithesis.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I still have some doubts, tho! Given FTL, what NEED would there be for a Nomad culture at all? I argue such a space borne culture centered on clans living in large ships would make sense only if we assume a STL technology. Which is what we see, more plausibly, in the Kith stories.

Additionally, if we don't actually see any mention of a fairly large number of ex-Coordinators following Trevelyan's example and joining the Nomads, it's assuming a lot to say Nomads and Cordies formed a new synthesis.

Ad astra! Sean said...


I extrapolate. "And other Coordinators would be adopted, too." (CHAPTER XIX, p. 168)

The Nomads wander because they like it. Their technology of recycling and synthetic food means that it is not too expensive to maintain their self-sufficient ships.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Then I have to sit at least partially corrected, as regards Coordinators joining the Nomads.

Noted, what you said about advanced tech makes it possible for Nomads to live as they do. I simply think ordinary merchant ships and companies, also using FTL, would be able to offer their services at lower prices, thus outcompeting the Nomads.

The Nomad culture would seem more plausible, to me, if their operations were far wider and longer than we see, going far into regions not ruled by the Union.

Ad astra! Sean