Saturday 2 May 2020

The Psychotechnic History: The Eighth, Ninth And Tenth Triads

Thesis: See the synthesis here.

Antithesis: Complexity overcomes coordination, causing the Third Dark Ages.

Synthesis/Thesis: Nomads led by former Coordinators preserve knowledge.

Anithesis: Interstellar society reverts to imperialism, slavery and barbarism.

Synthesis/Thesis: Eventually, interstellar organization and the preserved scientific tradition are re-synthesized as a Galactic civilization based on artificially mutated brains mentally controlling cosmic forces, the ultimate psychotechnic achievement.

Antithesis: Human and Hulduvian ways of using cosmic energies interfere with each other.

Synthesis: The two civilization divide the Galaxy between them.


Dialectics has carried humanity from twentieth century Earth to the Galactic center.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And this is the most implausible of all! Because of our old argument on whether "The Chapter Ends" even belongs in the Psychotechnic series at all. I say no, while you argue otherwise.

Ad astra! Sean