Thursday 21 May 2020

Steve Matuchek And The Milky Way

Beginning to reread Poul Anderson's Operation Luna (New York, 2000), I will at this time of night remark only that an old friend greets us in the third sentence of the text:

Witchlights glowed blue along the fence, outlining Cardinal Point against night. Earth lay darker than heaven. There stars gleamed and the Milky Way glimmered." (1, p. 1)


"We thank Steve and Jan Stirling for kindness and hospitality..."

Operation Chaos lasts from p. 1 to p. 282 whereas its sequel, Operation Luna, lasts from p. 1 to p. 438 so it should hold our attention for considerably longer.

However, for now, good night.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, the Milky Way is an old friend of ours from the works of Anderson!

And I'm very glad Mr. Stirling so often leaves comments in this blog, considering how must be with his own writing. Did he ever tell you how he came to find this blog?

Ad astra! Sean said...


No. Interesting question.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Somebody must have either told him about this blog or he found it by sheer chance. But I'm glad Mr. Stirling has been interested enough to leave comments here.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

It was a pleasure and an honor to have Poul and Karen here.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And I was equally pleased and honored that Poul Anderson replied to EVERY one of my 24 sometimes far too long and argumentative letters!

Ad astra! Sean