Thursday 21 May 2020

List Descriptions

Operation Chaos, XXXIII.

Let me quote Poul Anderson's text but rearrange it as a list:

"Outside, noise swelled -
"The door reverberated under
"hoofs." (p. 267)

Despite the literally Hellish conditions, the Matucheks are doing OK, partly because of the demons' general disorganization. See Evil Never Intelligent? Does Anderson make this raid on Hell seem a bit too easy? 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I don't think the Matucheks incursion to rescue Valeria was too easy. Recall how previous attempts to investigate the hell universe failed because the Adversary's minions had gotten advance knowledge of "where" and "when" they were coming. That gave the more intelligent demons the time needed for arranging a "warm welcome" to them. Given better, more accurate spells for going to the Low Continuum, surprise, and boldness, I can see the Matucheks achieving what they did.

Ad astra! Sean