Tuesday 19 May 2020


Operation Chaos, XXIX.

Souls are supernatural according to Dr. Nobu whereas, according to Virgina, they are:

energy structures within parafields;
formed within, but outliving, bodies;
ghosts when they linger disembodied;
reincarnated when they enter fertilized ova;
saved when approaching the Highest;
damned when attracted to the Lowest.

In James Blish's Midsummer Century:

In time-projection, the “…semistable electromagnetic field…” of a personality leaves one physical substrate and energy source and enters another.
-copied from here. 

Otherwise, the field fades.

I think that consciousness continues only if its conditions, a brain and an energy source, persist. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree with both Dr. Nobu and Virginia, except the bit about reincarnation, which I don't believe in. Every human soul will have only one body.

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


Do you think that souls sometimes linger as ghosts?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I don't know. But Fr. Herbert Thurston, SJ investigations of alleged ghosts and poltergeists makes me unable to totally dismiss that idea. I would that I don't believe the souls of the saved linger on Earth.

I've reached that part of OPERATION CHAOS where Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevski and Janos Bolyai von Ungarn entered the bodies of Steven Matuchek and Svartalf.

Ad astra! Sean