Tuesday 29 October 2019

Yet Another Turning Point

The Golden Slave, XIII-XIV.

Tjorr snores like thunder.

There is another mutiny. More men are killed. The conflict between Eodan and Flavius remains unresolved. The two ships part. One mutineer had told Phryne:

"'Farewell, girl. We'll meet beyond the Styx.'" (p. 185)

- but was killed by Tjorr before he could kill Phryne.

Chapter XIV begins:

"Arpad of Trapezus, who had served ably on the warships of the King..." (p. 187)

(There are two cities called "Trapezus" but each Wikipedia article links to the other.)

Which King? Chapter XIV broadens the perspective by presenting a new character with a new point of view and many new place names which I will google but not tonight.

Glory to Poul Anderson.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought the mutineer who was guarding Phryne said he had to leave her to help his friends and expressed the hope they could meet again in a better world?

Ad astra! Sean