Monday 28 October 2019

Tjorr And The Milky Way

The Golden Slave, XI.

Eodan sees:

"...Tjorr blocky against the Milky Way." (p. 150)

We have collected:

Andersonian descriptions of the Milky Way here;

objects seen against or across the Milky Way here.

To our editorial surprise, Tjorr now joins the latter list.

It feels as if we are getting right inside Poul Anderson's ways of thinking and perceiving. This passage links Tjorr to Aycharaych and to many other Andersonian characters who share a common galactic background. It is all one multiverse.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would not have thought of comparing someone as bluff and straightforward as Tjorr to someone as subtle and sophisticated as Aycharaych!

Ad astra! Sean said...

But they are both in the imagination of Poul Anderson and both are seen against the Milky Way.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, that elucidates your point! Because I thought it odd pairing Tjorr with Aycharaych.

Ad astra! Sean