Tuesday 22 October 2019

Some Strange Places

Poul Anderson Appreciation takes us to some strange places. We have often discussed Latin, more recently Roman numerals because Anderson mentioned 52,300 Roman soldiers and 15,000 Cimbrian horses. I have tried to find the Belgian monument with the incorrect "CCCC" for 400. However, the monument in the above image gets it right: MDCCCXXXI = 1831.

15,000 would have to be 15 M's. 52,300 would have to be 52 M's followed by XXX but this just proves that it is getting very late at night. I keep typing the numbers wrong.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I did wonder which of the three Belgian kings named Leopold you had in mind. The date "1831" for the illustration of the monument you chose obviously referred to Belgium's independence from the Netherlands and the first year of Leopold I's reign.

Ad astra! Sean